Creating Interdisciplinary Space at Missouri State University - Duane G Meyer Library

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems and robotics, human language technologies, human/AI collaboration, machine perception and sensing, augmented and virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, digital personal assistants, robotic/AI librarians, IoT - What a list; and that is only part of the change that has developed and is expected to expand over the next 20 years.

Many questions about the socio-economic impact of these changes spring up. How do people stay informed about these developments? What is the path for access to new technologies? Who will benefit? What impact will there be on employment? How do communities come to agreements on the ethical and legal use of new technologies?

In an effort to bring science and the humanities together in a neutral space, Missouri State University - Duane G Meyer Libray is developing an interdisciplinary space for student and faculty research which will include emerging technologies and data visualization: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Robotics, Data Visualization, 3D printing, and other technologies in service of interdisciplinary research, active learning, workplace readiness, curricular enhancements, entrepreneurship, and regional economic innovation.

This session will be an informal presentation on our initial idea, support from campus and community, challenges and next steps.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Janelle Johnson
Presenter Employer: 
Missouri State University
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Distributed User Support Specialist
Submitter Email: