In the Weeds: Using Sierra & Circa for Collection Analysis for Deselection

In an effort to make the right decisions for a collection that needed attention, librarians at Greenlease Library have begun to work through deselecting the stacks based on the call number ranges assigned to academic departments. Liaisons begin with a thorough analysis of the items relevant to their departments before scheduling meetings to talk about options for how to proceed. Using Create Lists is a major aspect of that analysis, as is effective exporting of the data to minimize clean up. Depending on the option faculty choose, specific criteria may be developed and additional lists run. Faculty input is solicited at each step before librarians make final decisions.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Melanie Church
Presenter Employer: 
Rockhurst University
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Content Services Librarian
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