Brilliant Innovations and Everyday Frustrations: How Idea Lab Can Help

In 2017, Innovative and the Innovative Users Group (IUG) partnered together to launch Idea Lab, an innovation platform hosted by Spigit. Idea Lab is an interactive space that allows any staff member of any Innovative library customer to submit ideas for how current products should work or for new products that should be developed. Idea Lab replaced the legacy Enhancements system that IUG managed for many years. It fits the needs of Innovative's current product development cycle and provides meaningful feedback and crowd validation processes so Innovative can prioritize enhancements and development based upon actual customer needs and desires. This presentation will explain the history of the IUG enhancements process, explain the need for Idea Lab, and demonstrate how it works. Attendees will learn key terms used in Idea Lab, how to submit ideas with the best chance of advancing to implementation, and other ways to be more involved in the development conversation with Innovative.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Renee Brumett
Presenter Employer: 
Springfield-Greene County Library
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Electronic Resources Librarian
Submitter Email: