How to be LGBT+ friendly from an LGBT+ Librarian

In this presentation, I plan to present my personal journey for information and help in the discovery of my Asexual identity. From questioning to searching for information that was scarce and often biased or inaccurate, my quest for information will be examined and how the library aided in my discoveries. My experiences reflect what many LGBT+ persons go through in their lives and why it is vital that libraries provide accurate, up to date information and services. There are many avenues librarians can take to pursue this information, including joining or being in contact with any campus services or associations that are dedicated to LGBT+ issues. LibGuides, web pages, social media pages, and other resources will be explored and evaluated for their value. Library materials and collections will be discussed and the benefits and negatives of having a collection specifically labeled for the LGBT+ community. Finally, I will discuss digging deeper into the LGBT+ community and the lesser known identities and vocabulary issues that librarians should try to be aware of when selecting resources.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Kayla Reed
Presenter Employer: 
Missouri Southern State University
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Access Services Librarian
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