Digital media commons lite: establishing a student digital media commons and lab on a slim budget

Developing new service models for student learning in spaces not dedicated for the purpose is a perennial challenge for academic libraries. Continued funding declines complicate the problem. Low staffing, heavy workloads, and a general lack of time may seem to prevent the development of new and innovative services. Indeed, the allure of a fully-fledged and highly resourced digital media commons probably seems out of reach for libraries that are considering which major services, or databases to cut. We suggest focusing on progress and scaffolding success to help you get closer to creating that commons or lab and to providing the kinds of learning spaces you'd like your students to have. Even in times when budgets are tight, it is still possible to gather resources, interest, and support from colleagues and realign them with an overarching strategic goal.

The result for MU Libraries is ongoing as we constantly re-imagine existing spaces and build on incremental progress to create useful and relevant services for students and staff. In this presentation, we will highlight the importance of iterative goal setting as we talk about our journey from a recording space for library instruction material to what we have now: a digital media commons and a lab that serves as a production space for librarian projects and a learning and project space for students.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Navadeep Khanal
Presenter Employer: 
University of Missouri Libraries
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
E-Learning Librarian and Web Development Administrator
Presenter Name: 
Alora Bauer
Presenter Employer: 
University of Missouri Libraries
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
E-Learning Graduate Assistant
Presenter Name: 
Dylan Martin
Presenter Employer: 
University of Missouri Libraries
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Reference and Web Support Graduate Assistant
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