Embracing Respacing!

The Marketing and Outreach Librarian, Amber Carr, and the Access Services Librarian, Kayla Reed, from Missouri Southern State University walk through the process of re-organizing several collections with no additional cost. Using pictures and layout diagrams, Carr and Reed show the three-year progression of moving over seven different collections to different floors and around the third floor of the library. This presentation will show where the library started, how it moved and removed collections, how it moved again, and how this has changed the library. Checkout statistics show great success in some moves and little to no change in others. However, other moves free up valuable study space for students, even if there is no benefit to the collection itself. Failures, lessons learned, and success stories will all be shared and discussed.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Kayla Reed and Amber Carr
Presenter Employer: 
Missouri Southern State University George A. Spiva Library
Presenter Job Title: 
Access Services Librarian and Marketing and Outreach Librarian
Submitter Email: